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CPD resources

PLAN has developed a number of CPD packages (some free and some for sale) for primary science subject leaders to use to support the development of science teaching in their schools. The packages cover a wide range of aspects of the teaching of science, including assessment, scientific enquiry, working scientifically and outdoor learning. Each CPD package includes clear instructions for its delivery and a PowerPoint presentation to support that, as well as all the resources used by participants.


Information about the different CPD packages are below and underneath that there is a carousel where you can select and order them. They can also be ordered through the Resources section of the website.


Introduction to PLAN CPD

This free CPD package is designed for use by science subject leaders to deliver an hour's CPD to introduce the PLAN resources to teachers and explain how they can be used to:


  • support their planning and assessment of science

  • review the coverage of a completed topic

  • review the learning of one topic of a secure pupil to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support that judgement.


Scientific Enquiry Types CPD

The purpose of this 90-minute CPD package is to help teachers develop a robust understanding of the different types of scientific enquiry.

During the CPD session, teachers will:


  • learn about the five types of scientific enquiry included in the National Curriculum in England

  • review a range of examples of activities for different year-groups and sort them according to their type of scientific enquiry

  • review a scientific enquiry type to look for progression

  • review additional examples of activities for their year-group

  • share scientific enquiry activities that they have completed or plan to complete with their class.


Knowledge: Moderating assessment CPD

These CPD packages enable science subject leaders to deliver an hour's CPD that models a robust process for moderating the assessment of children’s knowledge at the end of either KS1 or KS2.


Each package contains the examples of work from two children across a whole year that the teachers participating in the training review and assess. They then compare their assessment of the examples of work to that of the PLAN team to confirm their judgements. Finally, they apply the same process to the work of children from their own class and use the results to identify activities to consolidate knowledge for children who are not yet secure.


Working scientifically planning coverage CPD

These CPD packages enable science subject leaders in infant, junior or primary schools to deliver an hour's CPD on developing teachers' understanding of the working scientifically statements from the National Curriculum for England and how to plan for full coverage of them.


Each package contains examples of work across a whole year of one or more children's learning that are reviewed by the teachers participating in the training to develop their understanding of the working scientifically statements and whether they are being covered sufficiently or not in that child's learning. They also include commentary on the examples of work, identifying which skills are covered in each activity, to support the science subject leader in delivering the training. A coverage sheet is supplied to help teachers record their conclusions and to support their analysis of their own children's work and planning.


Outdoor Learning CPD

This free CPD package is designed to help schools consider how and why they currently use outdoor learning, and how they can develop it further. During the CPD, participants will:


  • understand what is meant by outdoor learning

  • recognise the benefits of outdoor learning

  • understand that outdoor learning is a vital part of the science National Curriculum in England

  • consider where to include outdoor learning in planning

  • recognise the potential barriers to outdoor learning and how to overcome them.

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